How to test?

Here is the list of available SDKs you can use while developing apps. In case you are missing implementation of your programming language you can use our API directly

API versions

Discover our API at

All of the API requests take in a version parameter. Developing CodeMash further may require us to change how requests are processed. To avoid breaking older functionality we introduced version parameters.

The following table displays currently available API method versions.





v3 (In progress)

2022-11-20 (expeted release date)

Open API & Swagger

Open API Initiative (OAI) is focused on creating, evolving, and promoting a vendor-neutral API Description Format based on the Swagger Specification.

Open API is a specification and complete framework implementation for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services. We implement the OpenAPI Spec back-end and embed the Swagger UI front-end so that you can try our API right out of the browser.

Swagger UI -

Open API -


We support integrations with well-known API clients like Postman, Insomnia, curl,...


If you are working with the Postman API Client tool to send requests, inspect the response, and easily debug your API, you can also do so with CodeMash API.

Near My Workspace press the "Import" button. See the image below.

Press the Link tab on the Import dialog screen and enter the URL.

When API collection is imported, you can test each REST API action separately.


If you are working with the Insomnia, Open Source API client, to send requests, inspect the response, and easily debug your API, you can also do so with CodeMash API.


Also, you can test CodeMash API using popular SDKs:

Last updated

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